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Anagram 4 clinical trials

Anagram was founded in 1998. We are a Clinical Research Organisation (CRO) based in Spain which provides high quality services in clinical development and post-authorization trials with drugs and medical devices.

We partner with our clients by getting proactively involved in each stage of the project, from study design to final deliverable. We dedicate all our expertise, energy and enthusiasm to each and every project, whether large or small.

Together with our sister company, IEC, we offer full CRO national and international services including image central reading (core lab), analysis and reporting by highly experienced professionals.

Horarios de atención

Puedes contactar con nosotros
12 horas al día en horario:

Lunes a Viernes: 9.30h a 20h (UTC+01:00)
Fin de semana: Cerrado

HORARIO DE VERANO: Lu a Vi de 9h a 18h (UTC+01:00).

mapa de localización de IUSC


Fontanella, 19 | 08010 Barcelona